Data frames, Series and arrays

We have now come across three important structures that Python uses to store and access data:

  • arrays

  • data frames

  • series

Here we stop to go back over the differences between these structures, and how to convert between them.

Data frames

We start by loading a data frame from a Comma Separated Value file (CSV file).

The data file we will load is a table with average scores across all professors teaching a particular academic discipline.

See the array indexing page for more detail.

Each row in this table corresponds to one discipline. Each column corresponds to a different rating.

If you are running on your laptop, you should download the rate_my_course.csv file to the same directory as this notebook.

# Load the Numpy library, rename to "np"
import numpy as np

# Load the Pandas data science library, rename to "pd"
import pandas as pd
# Turn on a setting to use Pandas more safely.
# We will discuss this setting later.
pd.set_option('mode.chained_assignment', 'raise')
# Read the file as a data frame.
courses = pd.read_csv('rate_my_course.csv')
# Show the first five rows.
Discipline Number of Professors Clarity Helpfulness Overall Quality Easiness
0 English 23343 3.756147 3.821866 3.791364 3.162754
1 Mathematics 22394 3.487379 3.641526 3.566867 3.063322
2 Biology 11774 3.608331 3.701530 3.657641 2.710459
3 Psychology 11179 3.909520 3.887536 3.900949 3.316210
4 History 11145 3.788818 3.753642 3.773746 3.053803

The pd.read_csv function returned this table in a structure called a data frame.


The data frame is a two-dimensional structure. It has rows, and columns. We can see the number of rows and columns with:

(75, 6)

This means there are 75 rows. In this case, each row corresponds to one discipline.

There are 6 columns. In this case, each column corresponds to a different student rating.

Passing the data frame to the Python len function shows us the number of rows:


Indexing into data frames

There are two simple ways of indexing into data frames.

We index into a data frame to get a subset of of the data.

To index into anything, we can give the name of thing - in this case courses - followed by an opening square bracket [, followed by something to specify which subset of the data we want, followed by a closing square bracket ].

The two simple ways of indexing into a data frame are:

  • Indexing with a string to get a column.

  • Indexing with a Boolean sequence to get a subset of the rows.

When we index with a string, the string should be a column name:

easiness = courses['Easiness']

The result is a series:


The Series is a structure that holds the data for a single column.

0     3.162754
1     3.063322
2     2.710459
3     3.316210
4     3.053803
70    2.863504
71    3.106727
72    3.309636
73    2.799135
74    3.109118
Name: Easiness, Length: 75, dtype: float64

We will come back to the Series soon.

Notice that, if your string specifying the column name does not match a column name exactly, you will get a long error. This gives you some practice in reading long error messages - skip to the end first, you will often see the most helpful information there.

# The exact column name starts with capital E
KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
~/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/ in get_loc(self, key, method, tolerance)
   3360             try:
-> 3361                 return self._engine.get_loc(casted_key)
   3362             except KeyError as err:

~/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/_libs/index.pyx in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc()

~/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/_libs/index.pyx in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc()

pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item()

pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item()

KeyError: 'easiness'

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
/var/folders/_7/h5j1wn6n2b5c2qwh5dtr3jlm0000gq/T/ipykernel_20683/ in <module>
      1 # The exact column name starts with capital E
----> 2 courses['easiness']

~/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/ in __getitem__(self, key)
   3456             if self.columns.nlevels > 1:
   3457                 return self._getitem_multilevel(key)
-> 3458             indexer = self.columns.get_loc(key)
   3459             if is_integer(indexer):
   3460                 indexer = [indexer]

~/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/ in get_loc(self, key, method, tolerance)
   3361                 return self._engine.get_loc(casted_key)
   3362             except KeyError as err:
-> 3363                 raise KeyError(key) from err
   3365         if is_scalar(key) and isna(key) and not self.hasnans:

KeyError: 'easiness'

You have just seen indexing into the data frame with a string to get the data for one column.

The other simple way of indexing into a data frame is with a Boolean sequence.

A Boolean sequence is a sequence of values, all of which are either True or False. Examples of sequences are series and arrays.

For example, imagine we only wanted to look at courses with an easiness rating of greater than 3.25.

We first make the Boolean sequence, by asking the question > 3.25 of the values in the “Easiness” column, like this:

is_easy = easiness > 3.25

This is a series that has True and False values:

0     False
1     False
2     False
3      True
4     False
70    False
71    False
72     True
73    False
74    False
Name: Easiness, Length: 75, dtype: bool

It has True values where the corresponding row had an “Easiness” score greater than 3.25, and False values where the corresponding row had an “Easiness” score of less than or equal to 3.25.

We can index into the data frame with this Boolean series.

When we do this, we ask the data frame to give us a new version of itself, that only has the rows where there was a True value in the Boolean series:

easy_courses = courses[is_easy]

The result is a data frame:


The data frame contains only the rows where the “Easiness” score is greater than 3.25:

Discipline Number of Professors Clarity Helpfulness Overall Quality Easiness
3 Psychology 11179 3.909520 3.887536 3.900949 3.316210
6 Communications 6940 3.867349 3.878602 3.875019 3.379829
11 Sociology 4839 3.740980 3.748169 3.746962 3.395819
14 Languages 3867 3.772780 3.917949 3.846951 3.277406
18 Education 2544 3.707429 3.806128 3.758211 3.430916
19 Music 2455 3.844509 3.787804 3.818114 3.542273
21 Health 1937 3.891177 3.884729 3.891213 3.468012
22 Humanities 1897 3.806969 3.816299 3.813569 3.344138
24 Criminal Justice 1786 4.056685 4.033779 4.046702 3.469440
27 Social Science 1412 3.683555 3.691133 3.690262 3.338846
31 Theater 1078 3.876633 3.821503 3.851837 3.584508
36 Physical Education 991 4.078698 4.030797 4.057719 3.832250
42 Spanish 584 3.854932 3.993716 3.928750 3.349743
43 Art 574 3.797073 3.799216 3.800157 3.268293
44 Ethnic Studies 481 3.533597 3.578337 3.556923 3.387630
45 Film 450 3.788933 3.764689 3.778689 3.324156
46 Women's Studies 393 3.639949 3.652087 3.646743 3.276412
48 Government 374 3.957540 3.916070 3.938663 3.423021
49 Speech 351 4.133191 4.101197 4.119345 3.674701
50 Social Work 317 3.770726 3.834700 3.806246 3.314322
54 Hospitality 267 3.697228 3.744607 3.719476 3.471498
58 Foreign Language 209 3.914641 4.057751 3.991675 3.323158
59 Religious Studies 193 3.932746 3.985751 3.962280 3.365544
61 Child Development 171 3.950585 4.008070 3.979766 3.606082
63 French 162 3.775370 3.943086 3.860679 3.267099
64 Reading 148 4.159392 4.188919 4.177500 3.882635
65 Modern Languages 147 3.858503 3.971293 3.916259 3.275238
66 Agriculture 146 3.767466 3.863219 3.820068 3.402397
67 Kinesiology 132 3.995000 3.972879 3.988712 3.541439
68 Nutrition 120 3.815167 3.844333 3.831500 3.468333
72 Linguistics 110 3.749000 3.834545 3.798182 3.309636

The way this works can be easier to see when we use a smaller data frame.

Here we take the first eight rows from the data frame, by using the head method.

The head method can take an argument, which is the number of rows we want.

first_8 = courses.head(8)

The result is a new data frame:

Discipline Number of Professors Clarity Helpfulness Overall Quality Easiness
0 English 23343 3.756147 3.821866 3.791364 3.162754
1 Mathematics 22394 3.487379 3.641526 3.566867 3.063322
2 Biology 11774 3.608331 3.701530 3.657641 2.710459
3 Psychology 11179 3.909520 3.887536 3.900949 3.316210
4 History 11145 3.788818 3.753642 3.773746 3.053803
5 Chemistry 7346 3.387174 3.538980 3.465485 2.652054
6 Communications 6940 3.867349 3.878602 3.875019 3.379829
7 Business 6120 3.640327 3.680503 3.663332 3.172033

We index into the new data frame with a string, to get the “Easiness” column:

easiness_first_8 = first_8["Easiness"]
0    3.162754
1    3.063322
2    2.710459
3    3.316210
4    3.053803
5    2.652054
6    3.379829
7    3.172033
Name: Easiness, dtype: float64

This Boolean series has True where the “Easiness” score is greater than 3.25, and False otherwise:

is_easy_first_8 = easiness_first_8 > 3.25
0    False
1    False
2    False
3     True
4    False
5    False
6     True
7    False
Name: Easiness, dtype: bool

We index into the first_8 data frame with this Boolean series, to select the rows where is_easy_first_8 has True, and throw away the rows where it has False.

easy_first_8 = first_8[is_easy_first_8]
Discipline Number of Professors Clarity Helpfulness Overall Quality Easiness
3 Psychology 11179 3.909520 3.887536 3.900949 3.316210
6 Communications 6940 3.867349 3.878602 3.875019 3.379829

Oh dear, Psychology looks pretty easy.

Series and array

The series, as you have seen, is the structure that Pandas uses to store the data from a column:

Discipline Number of Professors Clarity Helpfulness Overall Quality Easiness
0 English 23343 3.756147 3.821866 3.791364 3.162754
1 Mathematics 22394 3.487379 3.641526 3.566867 3.063322
2 Biology 11774 3.608331 3.701530 3.657641 2.710459
3 Psychology 11179 3.909520 3.887536 3.900949 3.316210
4 History 11145 3.788818 3.753642 3.773746 3.053803
5 Chemistry 7346 3.387174 3.538980 3.465485 2.652054
6 Communications 6940 3.867349 3.878602 3.875019 3.379829
7 Business 6120 3.640327 3.680503 3.663332 3.172033
easiness_first_8 = first_8["Easiness"]
0    3.162754
1    3.063322
2    2.710459
3    3.316210
4    3.053803
5    2.652054
6    3.379829
7    3.172033
Name: Easiness, dtype: float64

You can index into a series, but this indexing is powerful and sophisticated, so we will not use that for now.

For now, you can convert the series to an array, like this:

easi_8 = np.array(easiness_first_8)
array([3.16275414, 3.06332232, 2.71045949, 3.31620986, 3.0538026 ,
       2.65205418, 3.37982853, 3.17203268])

Then you can use the usual array indexing to get the values you want:

# The first value
# The first five values
array([3.16275414, 3.06332232, 2.71045949, 3.31620986, 3.0538026 ])

You can think of a data frame as sequence of columns, where each column is series.

Here I take two columns from the data frame, as series:

disciplines = first_8['Discipline']
0           English
1       Mathematics
2           Biology
3        Psychology
4           History
5         Chemistry
6    Communications
7          Business
Name: Discipline, dtype: object
clarity = first_8['Clarity']
0    3.756147
1    3.487379
2    3.608331
3    3.909520
4    3.788818
5    3.387174
6    3.867349
7    3.640327
Name: Clarity, dtype: float64

I can make a new data frame by inserting these two columns:

# A new data frame
thinner_courses = pd.DataFrame()
# We will come to the need for the `copy` later.
thinner_courses['Discipline'] = disciplines.copy()
thinner_courses['Clarity'] = clarity.copy()
Discipline Clarity
0 English 3.756147
1 Mathematics 3.487379
2 Biology 3.608331
3 Psychology 3.909520
4 History 3.788818
5 Chemistry 3.387174
6 Communications 3.867349
7 Business 3.640327