Student ratings averages by course

These data are directly from the supplementary material of [Ros18], with thanks.

There is a freely available post print of the paper on Andrew Rosen’s website.

The paper studies ratings from, for the 190,006 US professors that had at least 20 student ratings.

Each row of the data table gives the mean ratings for all professors in a given discipline; thus there is one row per discipline.

Quoting from the paper above:

Students on RateMyProfessors rate professors based on three main key criteria: clarity, helpfulness, and easiness. These criteria are mandatory fields when a review is submitted, and the rating scale ranges from 1 to 5 in integer increments with 1 being the worst rating and 5 being the best rating. Professors are then assigned an overall quality score that is simply the average of their clarity and helpfulness scores.

Given that background, the column names are self-explanatory:

  • Discipline

  • Number of Professors

  • Clarity

  • Helpfulness

  • Overall Quality

  • Easiness

There are two data files containing the same data:



Andrew S Rosen. Correlations, trends and potential biases among publicly accessible web-based student evaluations of teaching: a large-scale study of ratemyprofessors. com data. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 43(1):31–44, 2018. URL: